The move went really well, but we seem to be lacking some stuff. We have boxes and boxes of books, cds, movies, etc., but we haven't a single bookshelf to put them on! I am wanting to build one of those giant bookshelves with the 12x12 squares like Chad has, but I don't have the resources to do so right now. So, if anyone has any shelves they are looking to get rid of, give me a shout.
When moving day comes around, a person can really tell who cares! I know some people had other things to do, and that is fine, but I want to thank those of you who showed up for the two hours that it took for us to move. Andrew, Mike, Amy, Joe, Patrick, and Sam: I know you guys had other stuff you would have rather been doing than moving all my crap from one place to another, but my family and I thank you so much for giving us your time! God gave us a mission to serve others, and you all did just that last weekend...
Now, we have the daunting task of unloading the seemingly billions of boxes that we have. That isn't our stuff in the picture above. We have a lot more stuff than that, but I had no idea how much we had until last weekend. Please pray for our sanity as we embark on this journey(LOL)!!!
I'm glad I was able to help!
That's one of the things friends are for!
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