Sunday, we, as a congregation, had to face the sad situation of once again bidding
farewell to our Pastor. In one of the most emotional and hearfelt speeches I have ever seen, Chad explained to the church that he feels that the Holy Spirit is calling him to a different direction than our church is heading, and announced that he would have to resign his position with our church in order to accomplish this calling.
While Chad will be deeply missed - he has really helped shape me into the man I have become - I want to stress to those members of GCC who read this that now is the time to get up and get moving, not get down and out. Remember that God has plans for us, and even though Chad's season at GCC has been fulfilled, ours hasn't! We are to go out to the world and spread the Gospel of Christ until the day He comes back or call us home!
I know of some people in the church who have offered themselves to the elders to do whatever it takes to make sure GCC does NOT get down and start wallowing in self-pity. This is a difficult season, but it would benefit us all for everyone to remember that while God's blessings are raining down, it is in the valleys that you receive the most. For when you are on the mountaintop, the blessing land and tend to run downhill to those who are in the most need. GCC - we are in a valley right now. It is time for us, the church, to BE the blessings of God to those around us and to lift each other up!
I love everyone single one of you, and if there is anything that I or my family can do to help any of you, all you have to do is ask!
May God Bless You All!!!
I agree, everyone just needs to remember all thigns are for His glory and even though we don't always see the purpose, it's His will that will be done. I know Chad will bless others somewhere else, he is a great man after God's own heart. And I know the church will be okay as we move into another season of growth.
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