Monday, October 8, 2007

Back on the narrow path...

This is my first entry, and I could not really think of a better time. See, I have kind of been on a mental sabbatical. I don't really know why I started backsliding, but I have a couple of ideas. Anyway, I am back into the Word everyday, and that is really helping me. That reminds me of a quote I heard a while back, "Sin keeps you away from the Word, but the Word keeps you away from sin." Think about that. If only we could keep ourselves in the Word or just making sure that we keep the values in the Word at the front of our minds at all times. That is very difficult to do in the society we live in, but there are ways. Here is what I have started doing:

1. I download podcasts of sermons to listen to on my mp3 player to and from work. It is about a 25 minute trip one way, so there is almost an hour with God right there. Some of the podcasts I download are:

-Chad Doerr (GCC of course!)
-Mars Hill Bible Church (Rob Bell and others)
-Stephen Furtick (This guy is super cool)
-Mars Hill Christian Church (Seattle)

2. Limit TV watching...I am a story junkie! I love movies, tv shows, and books as long as there is a good story to immerse myself into. This is really bad for me because I always chose TV over reading the Word. I am in the process of drastically cutting my TV schedule, which will open up time for important things like family, friends, and reading. (I have really missed my friends and family over the last month or two, and I am really excited about the changes happening here!)

3. Pocket-sized Bible...My best friend Jeremy had the privilege to go to a Christian leadership conference called "Catalyst." While he was there, he had the opportunity to pick up a pocket-sized Bible for me. I really appreciated him getting it for me, but I didn't know how often it would get used...Today, I read Jude, 3 John, and some of Revelation just because he got me that Bible! It is just so easy to carry around, and it seems to call for me when I am waiting for something like at the doctor's office today. Thanks Kane!!!

It feels so good to be back on the narrow path. I want to thank all of you who cared to ask me what my deal was...It is hard to approach people and ask them what is wrong, and you all have made me look into myself and see what my deal was.

Well, that is my first blog. Whew! I sort of feel like Doogie Howser...


Christy said...

Glad to see you join the land of the living again! We all go through those times - don't be afraid to vent to that Christian Best Friend of yours!

Chad Doerr said...

Thanks for your transparency brother! Glad you're back on the narrow path.

Rebecca Jo said...

You truly have a heart for God - glad to see you back on that path!

I too have a hand held Bible that I adore (mine's pink though-gotta be a Princess!) - it has come in handy at many a time! You never know when you need to be "armed" with your Sword!

Sandi said...

The little pocket bible reminds me of when driving a "little" too fast in the small town of Carmel, IN, I was stopped for speeding. Two of my three children were with me and they were very scared I was going to jail as I sat in the patrol car for a good 1/2 hr.................................We were reading scripture and sharing how the Lord touched our lives. He had his little bible and I had mine. I never did get a ticket, and my kids told me how frightened they were just this year. 20+ years ago aunt Sandi

Jeremy said...

welcome to the community i hope you get a lot of use out of that little bible use it to keep ye the path lit daily lest ye stumble in darkness (little KJ version throwback) love ya man holla!

Jen said...

God Bless you, man! Keep grounded in the Word and use the people in your life to keep you in check.

Courtney said...

Welcome fellow blogger! I'm glad you're back on the path. I was gettin' worried about ya!