Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Traditions of Men

Tonight at church, we talked about the traditions of men. There has been a lot of change going on around GCC since our new pastor arrived, and they have been much needed! Tonight, we focused mainly on the fact that our communion table has been moved. I just can't make myself see why this would be a problem, but for some people, it is.

Anyway, there is a tradition at our church, and most other churches that I have been to, that really gets under my skin. That is the offering plate. I find it absolutely offensive that we pass around a plate specifically for people to place their money in. What bothers me is that other people are watching whether or not you put something in the plate. I know that they are not supposed to be judging me if I don't have anything to put in or if I already put my offering in for the month, but that doesn't mean that they aren't! If I don't have something to put in, this is the time during my worship service to feel GUILTY! Every single time the offering comes around, it think to myself, "Here comes the guilt plate." I can't tell where in the Scriptures it says, but I can't help to feel that it is a sin to make another person feel guilty about anything. I know that our church doesn't mean to make us feel guilty about this, but that doesn't change the fact that it does, and this is something that I feel needs to change.

I don't know what the average donation is per member in our church, and really don't need to know. However, I attended a church once that did not pass around an offering plate. They had "joy boxes" next to the exits, and the pastor told the congregation that if they were going to give an offering to put it there. Nice and simple. To really put an exclamation point on it, the average donation there is $8.00 per member. They have 10,000 members, and 8 bucks a pop, that is a lot of money for the Lord's work, and not a single person had to be guilted into giving.

I am not accusing anyone of any wrong! I just think that if this offends me, imagine how it makes a guest feel when you hand them a plate to put money in! I look around when the plate is making it's rounds, and I remember going to church with a friend while I was in high school, and his mom would give us a dollar each so we could have something to put in. Ridiculous! Please notice that my grudge is with the offering PLATE, not the offering itself. We are supposed to give joyfully to the Lord the firstfruits of our labors because everything we have is His anyway, and all He asks in return is the first 10%. Don't put something in the plate for the sake of putting something in the plate.

These are my feelings on the subject, and if I have offended someone, please let me know. I would love to talk about this further, and I hope that there is a reason this is done that I am missing. Anyway, leave me a comment, and let me know your feelings about the offering plate. I love blogging!!!! What a great way to get your feelings out.


Jeremy said...

I could care less if there is a plate passed around or not. The Lord commands ten percent of my earnings and it dosent matter if I send a yearly check, monthly or weekly. And while no one should be judging, and maybe no one is, I can totally connect with the guilt thing. We sometimes give monthly, and when the plate passes the other three weeks and we drop nothing in I wonder if people are thinking stuff. But really if they are shame on them they better check themselves. What you give is between you and God. Dont worry bout what some busy body is thinking God will deal with that.

Rebecca Jo said...

I can see your point - but I agree with Jeremy too - its not what other people think - its between you & God...doesnt mean you dont feel the roving eyes watching if you're not dropping something that week. Good topic! I really like the idea of the "Joy Boxes" though.

Anonymous said...

My checking account is set-up to directly deposit my offering so I NEVER put anything in the offering plate. I (used to and still sometimes) get the same guilty sensation when the plate is passed. I've decided that is the enemy trying to mess with my sweet time of worship with my Saviour and it just takes a quick "get thee behind me" thought to put him back in his place. Over the months my false guilt has subsided. I pray that yours will too!!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I sometimes feel bad the weeks we don't get paid, because we donate biweekly on pay days, but I also know it doesn't matter what anyone thinks but Big G himself and he knows we do what is right in his eyes. As far as the communion table gone, I like it. If we went up to get it, it would be good to have it in front, but we don't.

Anonymous said...

I understand where youre coming from..people do judge but try to remember its between you and God. Ive been to a church with Joy boxes in the back and its nice to do that so you dont feel like everyone is watching.

Amy said...

I also feel kinda weird on the weeks when we do not put a check into the plate. We get paid every other week, and that is when I make out the bills, so that is also when I make out the church check. So sometimes on those off weeks I wonder if someone is thinking that I don't give. But, it is all about God, and He knows what I do, so I just try not to worry about what others may or may not be thinking.

Either way though, whether the plate was passed or just a box by the door, would be fine with me.

Chad Doerr said...

I see your point and I know the church you're talking about. And if I can be honest, if I were starting a church today, I would seriously think about doing something different.

The people I feel uncomfortable for are the first time visitors who don't understand why we enjoy giving our money. The only thing they know is that they feel pressured to give something and guilty if they don't. I hate that for them. I want them to get to know Jesus and then give because they can't help it:)

I've heard several people mention they only get paid every other week or perhaps once a month. I too get paid every other week and because I feel like my financial giving is JUST AS MUCH a part of worship as singing, preaching, communion, etc., I set aside money every week to give. I want to have the enjoyment of giving to God EVERY week. I'm certainly not legalistic about this, but it has been a blessing for me over the years.

One more thing before I go...not nearly as many eyes are on you as you think. Play to the audience of one!

Until the joy boxes come to GCC, learn to love the plates:)

Anonymous said...

Been there done that kind of feeling, but I realize that the feeling we might be having might not be guilt but conviction. When we truly give all we can, we shall have great peace and joy knowing God came first, and the interest of man will be of no matter. All to often though He gets what is left over. It is then we feel guilty. Knowing that other things have come before our gift to Him. Don't look at the plate as an emblem of guilt but an great opportunity to give back. If everyone in "the church" would tithe, we would have great difficulty spending it all. God bless you Junior and I pray you continue to stay on the path God has set for you.